This endpoint has exactly the same functionality as /estimates/quote with the addition of driver availability.

When queried with two pairs of coordinates, corresponding to the pick-up and drop-off points, this endpoint will respond with an estimate of how long it might take in seconds, the distance that the driver will have to travel in meters (the routes are optimized), and a price quotation for the delivery.

Additionally, this endpoint returns driver availability - which is a list of active drivers grouped by vehicle class and sorted by the distance from the origin address.

Given items, the endpoint will only return drivers who are capable of transporting the items. I.e. drivers who have a vehicle that can accommodate the items.

See the below table for a description of the results returned by the endpoint:



You'll notice the fields 'distance_from_pickup' and 'eta' in the above server response.
By default, the API uses SI base units to communicate time and distance.
(meters and seconds).

Response elementTypeDescription
timeintThis is our estimate of the time, in seconds, that a driver would take to navigate from the point of pickup to the point of dropoff.
distancefloatEstimate of the distance, in metres (through an optimised route).
pricefloatThe charge, should you place the delivery. (The default currency is ZAR)
quoteslist[Quote]A list of of quotes that can be stored.
driver_availabilityDriverAvailabilityObject that contains information about drivers capable of effecting the delivery

Each Quote item has the following structure:

typestringThe WumDrop package/vehicle type that this quote is for.
price_estimatefloatThe charge, should you use this quote when you place the delivery. (The default currency is ZAR)
quote_idlongA reference to this quote. Use when placing a delivery.

DriverAvailability object has the following properties

Bikelist[Driver]list of Driver objects who drive bikes
Trucklist[Driver]list of Driver objects who drive trucks
Carlist[Driver]list of Driver objects who drive cars

Each Driver object has the following properties

distance_from_pickupfloatDistance from the origin address in metres
etaintTravel time to origin address in seconds
last_known_location_latfloatlatitude coordinate
last_known_location_lonfloatlongitude coordinate
nameStringdriver's name
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!