
The creation process starts with an integrator sending a payload with information about the delivery that needs to be created.

More info can be found here:

Example of a payload sent through to WumDrop.

	"dropoff_address":"56 ocean  view, seapoint",
	"dropoff_contact_phone":"0760 714429",
	"pickup_address":"16 ocean view, seapoint",
	"pickup_contact_name":"Receiver Name",
	"customer_identifier": null,

The delivery database record is then populated with those fields specified in the payload.


Notice the order_reference field in the payload above, this field needs to be unique, meaning no two deliveries may have the same order reference in our database.

Geo-coding and addresses

If no pickup_coordinates or dropoff_coordinates are not supplied, we geocode (convert text address to GPS coordinates) the pickup_address and dropoff_address using the Google Maps API.

Once we have received the coordinates we check if the coordinates lie within our area of operation.