Q: Can I track my orders live?

A: Of course! In order to get the latest known location of your order, you can just send a GET request on https://api.wumdrop.com/deliveries/:id (where :id is the id of your delivery), and the coordinate pair will be under last_known_location.

Q: When is live tracking available?

A: Live tracking is available throughout the lifecycle of an order. Before the parcel is picked up, the last_known_location parameter will be set to the pick-up location. From the moment of pick-up and throughout the driver's trip, the coordinates will be as updated every few seconds.

Q: How reliable is the location stored in the last_known_location parameter of a delivery?

A: We depend on several third-party systems in order to determine the locations of our drivers with as much precision as possible, and are generally pretty confident in the correctness of the outcome. However, because of the nature of GPS tracking systems and network providers, the coordinates may sometimes be slightly off or slightly out of date. We are continuously striving to make this more precise.